How Does Our Sedation Treatment Work?

How Does Our Sedation Treatment Work?

Here at Andrew House Dental Practice, our professional dentists use our sedation treatment to help patients remain calm and manage their anxiety or fear during dental procedures. The sedation level can range from mild relaxation to deep unconsciousness based on the dental procedure being performed. Here’s how our sedation treatment typically works:

Assessment & Consultation

Before sedation, our dentist will thoroughly assess the medical history of the patient, their dental needs and anxiety levels. This helps to determine the right type and level of sedation. Our highly trained dentists will monitor the patient throughout the procedure. For a normal dental procedure, a mild sedative is used to induce a sense of relaxation. In case of complex procedures, our dentist can use oral sedation, IV sedation and general anaesthetic.


During the dental procedure, we closely monitor the patient to check their heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels to ensure their safety and a successful treatment. In case of excessive pain, our dentist may use local anaesthetic to numb the area where the treatment is being performed.

Dental Procedure

Once the patient feels relaxed or sedated, our dentist will start the treatment. The patient will generally feel at ease and may have minimal or no memory of the procedure. After the completion of the dental procedure, the patient is closely monitored until the effect of sedation completely wears off.

Contact Us

Our sedation treatment is a good option for someone who has dental phobias and requires complex procedures. All of our dentists who offer sedation treatment are highly trained and experienced in working with it to ensure the patient’s well being throughout the process. If you would like to consult our highly trained sedative experts, please contact us today at Andrew House Dental Practice. We look forward to speaking with you.